Linkshortify – Legit Or Fake ? Full Guide

Recently, a new URL shortener service called Linkshortify has been gaining some traction online. Linkshortify promises to not only shorten links but also help users make money when people click on those links. This has led many to wonder – is Linkshortify a real and legitimate service, or is it some kind of scam? In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at Linkshortify to determine if it’s real or fake.

What is Linkshortify?

Linkshortify is a free URL shortener service launched in 2022 that provides users with shortened links while allowing them to earn money. The platform works by giving users a custom shortened URL for any long URL they input. Users can then share that shortened link online or with friends. When someone clicks on the user’s shared shortened link, the user earns money through Linkshortify.

Linkshortify makes money by placing advertisements on pages that the shortened links lead to. A user will get a cut of the ad revenue depending on their account tier when someone engages with those ads by clicking or viewing them.

Is Linkshortify Real or Fake?

Based on our research, Linkshortify does seem to be a legitimate service for shortening links and generating income from shared links. The service has been online and operational since 2022, paying out registered users. There are no obvious signs of it being a fake platform or scam.User reports online corroborate that Linkshortify does indeed pay out when one’s shared links bring traffic to the platform. Payments are made in real money via payment processors like PayPal, not some shady virtual currency. Furthermore, user money does not seem to be at risk, with no deposits required to start earning through Linkshortify.

You can also check linkshortify ratings on trustpilot site – ( Linkshortify Trustpilot )

How is Linkshortify the Best URL Shortener?

Linkshortify stands out from other popular URL shorteners like Bitly or TinyURL in two main ways: 1) it pays users and 2) it offers helpful analytics. Registered users can earn money when their shared links are clicked and target clicks with data.

The platform’s robust statistics provide key metrics like click volume, location, referrers, devices, etc. These insights can inform better link sharing and increased revenues. With other basic shorteners, users simply get a shortened link with no potential earnings.

How to Earn Money with Linkshortify

Making money with Linkshortify entails just a few simple steps:

1. Sign up for a free account
2. Shorten any link using the Linkshortify dashboard
3. Share your shortened link on social media, emails, messaging platforms, or anywhere else online
4. Get paid when people click and solve your Linkshortify link. Earnings will depend on your membership tier.

The more people that click on the link, the more money can be made on Linkshortify.

Linkshortify Publisher Rates

There are three account tiers on Linkshortify, with increasing payouts for clicks & traffic.

United States $14.00 $14.00
 India $8.00 $8.00
 Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $3.00 $3.00
 Bangladesh $2.00 $2.00
 Nepal $2.00 $2.00
 Russian Federation $0.10 $0.10
 Sri Lanka $0.10 $0.10
 Ukraine $0.10 $0.10

So the more clicks your links can drive by being shared widely online, the bigger payout at these rates.

Linkshortify Payment Proofs ?

Linkshortify post all his payments proofs on her site you can check all payment proofs on Linkshortify official site by clicking here – ( Payment Proofs )

In the end, Linkshortify does appear to be a legitimate way to earn money from URL shortening and sharing your links broadly to generate ad revenue. It is a functioning service that pays its users reliably. The platform continues to refine and add more features, so it’s one shorten service that may be worth exploring.

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